Get connected with the Aurora Reimagined Coalition and hear updates on our ongoing work to improve the Aurora corridor for everyone!
There are lots of exciting updates to talk about this month and more to come in early 2022. Most important, we're starting to form our short-term priorities and long-term vision. Join us to weigh in on the broad areas of focus and find out how you can be more involved in this growing movement to radically improve one of the most dangerous streets in Seattle.
Overview of the Coalition - Who, What, and Why
Advocacy Updates and Opportunities
Partnership: Should we endorse the Transportation Bill of Rights?
Community Engagement: Working with the City on the upcoming Transportation Plan and Comprehensive Plan
Invitation to meet with Mayor-Elect Harrell
Introducing the Maturity Model
Getting more involved
Join the Advocacy working group
Help plan an outreach event - neighborhood cleanups, documentary film screening, crossing tally installations